
Did you know?

The “Ai” part of Valve Ai stands for Artificial Intelligence?

While Artificial Intelligence has different meanings depending on who you ask, it usually always refers to a sophisticated level of automation or algorithmic decision making.

In our case, it refers to the high level of automation and integration packed into Valve Ai.


How Valve Ai came to be

Valve Ai began as a tool developed in-house for our parent backflow testing company.

As an agile provider of large scale utility cross connection control services, we needed software that could be improved at the same pace as the rest of the company’s rate of innovation. Using third party software was slowing us down as our requirements for new features far outpaced their ability to redesign or upgrade their software.

Out of necessity we built a powerful and flexible solution specifically tailored to our needs.

We started experimenting with field data acquisition as early as 2012! By 2016 we were using in-field based data entry apps, designed in-house, that eliminated paper work orders, got rid of double data entry, and reduced errors dramatically.

Fast forward to 2021, we realized that we had in our hands software that is far superior than any other available in the industry. It was clear that if it met our high standards of quality and reliability, it would be of value to others in the industry.

It was decided that in 2022 we would no longer keep our project a secret.

The secret is out now - Say hello to Valve Ai.